The Physio & Sports Injury Clinic

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Benefits of Sports Massage

Benefits of Sports Massage

Massage has long been used as a therapeutic form of treatment for aches and pains around the body. It underpins where the profession of Physiotherapy first began. Therefore today I am going to discuss the 5 main benefits of having Sports Massage treatment here at The Physio & Sports Injury Clinic in Rhos on Sea.

What is Sports Massage?

Massage involves a variety of techniques and levels of deeper pressure through the skin to target muscles, tendons and ligaments. Current research suggest it has multiple benefits; from promoting healing to reducing stress. The name grew out from professional sporting circles where athletes craved a way to relieve muscular tightness/tension after a heavy training session or competition, and ‘general/gentle massage’ just wasn't enough for them. Therefore a deeper massage technique was utilised and the treatment has grown from there. Both Sporty and now no-sporty people love having it.

Who can benefit from Sports Massage?

Anyone can benefit from Sports Massage treatment. You don’t have to be sporty to have one. Anyone who hold some tension in the back or legs can benefit. Lets face it, who doesn't love a massage!! At the end of the day its just what outcome are you wanting to achieve from having it that’s important. If you search online for the benefits of having massage, there’s a lot of un-proven benefits. So below are the 5 main proven benefits:

The Main Benefits of Sports Massage:

  1. Sports Massage can Reduce Muscle Soreness & Tension (*short-term).

    Sports Massage can reduce localised pain and take away muscle tension too. When you’re in pain the body’s reaction is to tighten/stiffen up. Sports massage is great at reducing this (*short term). Its worth noting though that massage is not a stand-alone treatment on its own. Its 1 of the many pieces within Health & Fitness jig-saw puzzle. I never just recommend Sports Massage on its own, instead it should be included as part of a bigger treatment plan. This should include a strength-based exercise too.

  2. Sports Massage can help Improve your Circulation.

    After any deep tissue massage you will notice the skin goes rosy red. Pressure through the skin dilates small blood vessels improving blood flow around a fatigued/sore area. More circulation is believed to improve healing rates and build new tissue quicker? The biggest myth is that sports massage removes lactic acid build up. It unfortunate doesn't (neither do ice baths). Your body just does it naturally after 30mins of rest following intense activity!!

  3. Sports Massage has a calming effect on the body.

    The skin is the largest organ in the human body! (FACT). Just under the skin are millions of nerve endings, and they all have a purpose to provide the brain with sensory information for your senses. Sports Massage stimulates these many nerve endings under the skin (due to its deep pressure). This neurological benefit bombards the brain and the effect of this is…. RELAXATION. If you are calmer there’s less stress/anxiety, you will move with more flexibility and you will also sleep better (sleeping better = you recover faster!!) This has to be one of the biggest reasons people get Sports Massage I think?

  4. Massage provides a time for you to switch-off from the daily grind!

    In this modern age where we are all glued to out smartphones it can be hard to escape stress and get a true work-life balance. In pro-sport (particularly cycling) where Sports Massage is used heavily pre/post races like on the Tour De France, many athletes have reported that the time scheduled for massage is as much psychological as it is physical! Talking through a problem with a therapist who firstly cares and wants to help is massive. Its like ‘letting some steam off’ and providing stress-relief! If you feel better (psychologically) you will (hopefully) perform better - is the idea?

  5. Sports massage is better after events/busy times in the diary.

    I always tell all my patients booking in for Sports Massage to see it as a Treat or a Reward for working hard! If you are active and like to keep healthy then Sports Massage should be scheduled in your diary periodically. You just need to get the balance right how much to have. There is no right answer how much you should have, just don’t become dependent on it (like some athletes do). Do everything in moderation. I always recommend after big events in the diary are good or in the winter/off-season when you don’t do as much exercise?

So there you have it, The 5 main benefits for having Sports Massage.

If you have been thinking about having a Sports Massage for a while, then why not give us a call or fill out an enquiry form (below) to arrange a session with us - its that simple! All you have to do is pick how long you want it for (either: 30 or 60mins) and we’ll do all the rest!

Tel. 01492 545 291

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